Go beyond, contributing to the future well-being of the community, the region and the country, while simultaneously creating value for the business.

That is Corporate Social Responsibility for us.

Some of our projects


Poultry (Laying hens)

Located in the Municipality of Becerril

Generate income and employment for families involved in the productive project for reestablishing vocational livestock activity.

Benefited families:
11 mothers head of household


Banana Crops

Located in the Vereda Mechoacán

Bring food security and generate employment and income to families involved in the productive project by reestablishing vocational agricultural activity.

Benefited families:
3 families


Poultry (Laying hens)

Corregimiento of Loma de Calenturas

Generate income and employment for families involved in the productive project for reestablishing vocational livestock activity.

Benefited families:
17 mothers head of household displaced


Textile confection

Located in the Municipality of Becerril

Generate income and employment for mothers who are heads of households.

Benefited families:
8 mothers head of household


Electrical improvement

Located in the Vereda El Hatillo

Object: Contribute to the life quality of village inhabitants by improving electrical networks.

Benefited families:


Poultry (Laying hens)

Located in the Vereda Mechoacán

Restore lost economic activity; generate income and occupation of families linked to the productive project.

Benefited families:
3 families

health and safety at work

Our excellence begins in the attention and care that we provide our collaborators

For this reason, we have the ISO 45001: 2018 Certificate.

We seek to guarantee healthy and safe spaces

OSH Programs

We have four programs that guarantee the integrity of our workers.

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Road Safety Program

Road Safety

Provides the guidelines for our ground transportation activities for personnel, cargo in liquid, solid or gas state, equipment, structures and tools, as well as for driving our own or contracted vehicles, inside and outside the facilities of Drummond Energy's operations.

Mechanical Risk Program

Mechanical Risk

It applies to operations that use tools, machines, equipment and systems supported by electrical, mechanical, electromechanical, pneumatic, hydraulic energy. Operations carried out by Drummond Energy personnel, contractors and subcontractors.

Fall Prevention and Protection Program

Fall Prevention and Protection

Applies to all work at heights and those that involves the risk of falling people and objects carried out by Drummond Energy personnel, contractors and subcontractors.

Chemical Risk Program

Chemical Risk

This program establishes the criteria for the safe handling of chemical products, from their acquisition to their disposal; considering the technical and legal requirements applicable and in force in each of the activities we carry out that involve manipulation or chemical risk.

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