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Frequent Questions
Below is a list of questions about the development of unconventional reservoirs.

How is formed the gas associated with coal seams?
Coal mantle gas is consequence of the burial of the same matter (carbonification): the organic matter (mainly from plants) is decomposed naturally and transformed into coal layers by action of pressure and temperature.
As part of transforming organic matter into carbon, gas and water are also generated. The gas generated in this carbonification process is stored within the same layers or mantles of coal.

What are unconventional reservoirs?
The Colombian regulation defines unconventional reservoirs as “those that are characterized by low primary permeability and that should be stimulated to improve mobility and recovery conditions. These include oil and gas from shale, tight carbonates, methane gas associated with coal seams, tight sands, and tar sands.”
It is necessary to consider that not all unconventional reservoirs require multistage hydraulic fracturing with horizontal drilling (FH-PH) for their development. Such is the case of methane gas associated with coal seams, the extraction of which is done using conventional techniques in vertical wells. This group includes coal seam gas, gas, shale oil, organic carbonates, and tight sand gas reservoirs.
It is necessary to consider that not all unconventional reservoirs require multistage hydraulic fracturing with horizontal drilling (FH-PH) for their development. Such is the case of methane gas associated with coal seams, the extraction of which is done using conventional techniques in vertical wells. This group includes coal seam gas, gas, shale oil, organic carbonates, and tight sand gas reservoirs.
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