Photovoltaic solar generation that contribute to regional development
At Drummond Energy, we are committed to the country’s energy transition, investing in the development of photovoltaic solar generation projects that contribute to regional development and align with the reduction of CO2 emissions in our country. Cañahuate I is the first project of this initiative.
Location of the project and its areas of influence
The Cañahuate I photovoltaic solar park is located in the southern part of the Cesar department, in the municipality of Chiriguaná.

About the Cañahuate I photovoltaic solar park
The project will be carried out in collaboration with Ventus, an EPC contractor with extensive experience in renewable energy projects:

The Cañahuate I Park will have a capacity of 65 MWp (megawatts peak). It will cover an area of approximately 117 hectares.

Approximately 112,781 high-efficiency bifacial photovoltaic solar panels will be installed. These panels will be mounted on single-axis TRACKERS, allowing them to follow the sun's position throughout the day to optimally capture solar radiation and maximize electricity production.

The electricity generated by the Cañahuate I solar park will primarily be used in Drummond's mining operations.

The Cañahuate I Solar Park will contribute to a reduction of approximately 40,000 tons of CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent) per year by replacing one-third of the electricity generated by gas or taken from the grid for mining operations. Covering an area of 139 hectares, the Cañahuate I Solar Park also includes a section dedicated to forest compensation. This initiative marks an important milestone in Drummond’s ongoing efforts to develop a diversified and low-emission energy matrix.